[PO] Emerald Companion karya Suhaib Rumi
Rp 83.000
Stok: 97Berat: 300g
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Emerald Companion is a collection of poetry, prose and aphorisms on heartbreak, healing, self-discovery, spirituality, and rising in love. Fragments that were written during the highs and lows of life, flow harmoniously throughout the book as compiled in their own sections. As a relatable, empowering, and inspirational book filled with gems of wisdom, Emerald Companion is a must have for all poetry lovers. And it gets even better with coffee.

Estimasi Pengiriman PO 14 hari
Membeli berarti menyetujui timeline produksi.

Genre Buku: Prosa dan Puisi
Soft cover 133 hlm.
14,8 x 21 cm
PT Linimasa Esa Inspirasa
Platform penerbitan dan pengembangan kreativitas personal, terutama kreator atau pegiat konten. Kami ingin sebuah karya tak sebatas terbit di media sosial maupun buku, namun juga berdampak.
Hubungi Kami
Jl. Hockey 4. Arcamanik Bandung
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