[PO] Ask and Surrender karya Suhaib Rumi
Rp 87.000
Stok: 94Berat: 300g
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Unlock the power of prayer with Ask and Surrender - a transformative and practical guide that dives deep into all the ways through which we ask; both our spoken and unspoken prayers. Discover and dismantle the barriers between yourself and the fulfillment of your heart’s desires. And begin your journey of a sweet surrendering to The Almighty, Most Generous, Compassionate, and Origin of Love.

While this book delves into the intricacies of Dua (prayer and supplication) from an Islamic perspective, readers of all faiths are invited to explore these pages as a bridge toward a universal quest. We all have more in common than what sets us apart. And the more we learn, the more harmoniously we can live together as one human race.

May you have the best of both worlds.

Estimasi Pengiriman PO 14 hari
Membeli berarti menyetujui timeline produksi.

Genre Buku: Motivasi Islami
Soft cover 173 hlm.
14,8 x 21 cm
PT Linimasa Esa Inspirasa
Platform penerbitan dan pengembangan kreativitas personal, terutama kreator atau pegiat konten. Kami ingin sebuah karya tak sebatas terbit di media sosial maupun buku, namun juga berdampak.
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